Life Update

Damn, it's been a while since my last post. (* ̄m ̄)
Damn, so not following my New Years Resolution, but so much shit has been going on. 
I'll go and explain what has happened. 
  1. I've been sick. Man, have I been sick. Before Christmas, I had an ear infection like no other and it has been killing me. I went to the doctor and got some medicine and thought I was fully cured. Well, my luck fucking sucks. So I still had one and went to the doctor at my University. They gave me some more meds and helped cleared it up. Now I think I'm fully better. Hopefully I am and won't have to return again.
  2. Because I've been sick I haven't been able to my ZAT (Zombie Apocalypse Training). So hopefully I will  be able to start this week. Yosh. 
  3. Fanfic addiction has gotten worse, but that's kinda self explanatory. 

Other than that, everything else is going well. I should also be starting up my YT channel and go my first anime review of the year, plus I'm going to do a blog post of what animes I'm going to review. 

Chao, peeps.


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