Everything Sucks plus My New Animes

Derpyness with Ciel-kun
What's up world. This is going to be a long post, but I hope you're having a better time than me. I'm still not fucking feeling well. It sucks. I went back to my school clinic for some more medicine. So, it's not an ear infection, but they don't know what the what the hell it could be. I'm having pressure pain in my ear and this a little bit lower from my ear hurts. It's super annoying. 
But..... I guess I'm not making myself any better. I keep touching at the gland and worrying that it could be something worse. This is a really bad habit of mine that I gain after I got really sick with Mano. I gain a really bad since of Paranoia and have bad panic attacks. My mom is thinking that I might have to go on anxiety pills to keep me from freaking out. I really think I might. 

Um, I also having really bad acne issues, too. Things are not looking up for me in 2012 and it's not really fair. 

Anyway, to move from my depressing topics, here are some of the animes that I'm now watching. 

My new love at the time
These are just some of them, but I plan on watching a lot this year. Right now, my guilty (lol) pleasure is Guilty Crown. I'm about to do some reviews on the show on my other fun blog, called Cartoonology. I've never done reviews, so I hope this will be fun! Guilty Crown is just absolutely amazing. Sure, it can be incredibly predictable and somewhat odd (or this could be because I've never seen Code Geass), I still love it. Finally the main character has broke and I love it when the cute, unsure main character break and become this psycho badass. Now only if this happens to my Daisuke-chan.

Finally, even though I'm not feeling well, I'm gonna start ZAST tomorrow. Yeah, I'm jogging a mile and working on my arms. I'll prolly be dead on Tuesday, but it's gonna be worth it when I can survive a Zombie Apocalypse (and lose some weight to look cute at MTAC). 

Anyway, I'm out. Chao!


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