Boyfriend + hair growth log

Hey my very few peeps~
I know that it's been a while, but yeah, I need to blog a lot more, but here's a long blog post for ya!

So, here is an update on my now apparent love life. (Weird right?)
So, remember my potential love interest from a while back? Well, he finally decided to ask me out on Friday, 12 of October 2011. 

Well, let me back up for you guys. 

So two weeks ago, he actually told me stuff about him, rather than just staring at me while I ate or just holding my hand. I told him, that I would be happy to go out. He's like "lets learn more about each other more and slow it down. () Slow it down? What the hell. We weren't even going out yet. So that was a little annoying. 

Anyway, we kept talking and I learned he gets sorta upset when I don't "answer" him (meaning don't leave my usual text of 'mkay' as an answer). I can also tell that he's socially awkward. He couldn't really handle the randomness that my friends show and the personality that I am. 

Then I went to the wonderful Fall Break and we hung out with our families more, rather than talk to each other. 

On Friday (the day he asked me out), he took me into the hallway and asked me why I said I wanted to be in a relationship. I told him that I though that he was a cool and nice guy and that I didn't mind going out with him. Well, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. He asked me "what did I want out of the relationship?" My immediate response is "huh, whatcha mean?" He kept repeating himself, more and more. I told him I want a guy that I can joke around, laugh, be fun and random at times. He immediate told me that he wasn't that type of guy. 

My reaction "Wha...?"

He told me that wasn't his personality and that he's not going to be someone that he's not. I told him okay and that I would be willing to try this relationship out. He then text me, that he's looking for someone to "be there or each other, communicate on a interpersonal level, do couple like things (which I'm about to tell you what that means to him) and other things that boyfriend/girlfriends do. 

I don't mind some of that stuff, but it's his definition of couple stuff. He doesn't watch tv or movies because DVDs are versatile enough for him to watch. He also tells me that I consume way too much media, and that I should play League of Legends. Which I refuse, and he keeps begging me too. 
He really wants me to do the stuff he likes, which isn't really me. He doesn't want to joke around or laugh, but he wants me to do the stuff that he likes, and expects me to enjoy it. Which isn't really fair to me. Shouldn't I demand to have him watch movies and stuff too? Meh, dating really is much work. 

ANYWAY!~ On to brighter news

I've been working on growing out my hair. No, I'm not going natural, but I am making sure that I'm taking better care of my hair. I get a relaxer every two and a half months, instead of the every month deal. Plus, I started to use straight olive oil in my hair with my Organic Roots Olive Oil Moisturizer. It's grown so much since the beginning of July, when I start. 

This is July pictures. Short hair and still lackluster.
Here's a side view. You can see the lackluster color and shortness.
Much more shine to it and you can see that I'm getting length to it.
Here's a frontal view of my hair.
So, my hair is getting much better. I need to get my ends clipped so it will grow some more, but that about it. Well, see ya later. Chao~


Mike said...

Hey you are looking amazing in this new look !
It has totally changed your personality.I read your blog and i liked it very much,I am inspired by you and i will also transform my look.

Great Clips coupons

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