Rant for the Day: Circle Lenses

I posted this in Tumblr, but I decided that I'm gonna add them to my blog.

Man, I don’t understand the sheer stupidity of American society. Before I go into a full rant, let me give some background:

So, I was looking for circle lens websites, when I stumbled on a NYTimes article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/fashion/04lenses.html. It basically state th at Americans shouldn’t wear circle contacts, with no info on how they harm the wearer. It wasn’t until I read the comments that truly upset me. Many people claimed that they girls who wore them were stupid, ignorant, and that they’re the reason why this generation is going down hill. They state that they want to follow some of the fashion icons like Lady Gaga, who also wore a pair in her video Bad Romance. 

I don’t condone people wearing them because Lady Gaga wore them. That’s following true consumerism.
But what about the people who embrace the fashion because that’s what’s makes them unique. It almost seems like a case of xenophobia. Many people either insult those who love Japanese culture because they find them weird or crazy. 

I truly think it’s unfair to judge people on what they like.
That’s my rant for today.
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